WordPress Version 6.2

WordPress Updates to 6.2 There are many, many different ways to develop and publish a website, but nobody ever got fired for using WordPress. WordPress dominates the charts for the percentage of content management systems (CMS) published across the internet. It is also frequently, and competently updated. A WordPress Version Update Procedure: The fast, fast … Read more

4 Profitable Ways to Write Clickbait (You’ll never believe #3)

Ah clickbait. Like copywriting before it, knowing and understanding why clickbait gets written and all the tricks it uses to get clicked makes the whole thing feel unintelligent. Be that as it may, numerous websites and authors owe their living to clickbait. I will not judge, but I will satirize 🙂 It is a common … Read more

Why Do My Keywords Count Not Match My Visitors Count

Welcome to Google’s world. A long time ago, but in a land close by, Google reported what search phrase the user entered into Google search before clicking on the link to your website. As you can imagine this data was enormously valuable to web publishers and content creators. However, Google does not like giving away … Read more

Google Helpful Content Update

Have you ever just gotten started on Twitter and several tweets later you think, “This should have been a blog post?” Yeah. Me too. Presenting my Google helpful content update tweets, now in blog format. Writers and Google Helpful Content Update Google has a new “helpful content” update coming out. The goal, according to Google, … Read more

WordPress Themes Designs and Good-Looking Websites Done Easy

Let’s start with content is king. This is still mostly true barring any funny business, or hyper-competitive categories where Google algorithmically, or manually, stacks the deck. That being said, your website probably needs to look pretty decent, especially to first time viewers who show up via a Twitter link, a recommendation, or search results. To … Read more

Writing Calendars and When to Ignore Them

As a professional writer, one of the things that always strikes me as odd is when new, or aspiring, writers ask me how to come up with things to write about. I have notebooks full of article ideas that I’ll never be able to write in one lifetime. However, I understand how difficult it can … Read more

Write Anything for Better Earnings and SEO

When you start trying to earn money by writing online, there are a lot of things to learn and keep straight. However, the most useful online writing tip to make money is the simplest. Just write something. Current and Fresh = Active and Used When it comes to earning money from your website content writing, … Read more

Make Money Online By Earning $1 Per Day

Making money online by writing isn’t impossible, but it can take time. Depending upon your goals, it can take a lot of time, and a lot of hard work. Unfortunately, too many people give up before they can make money writing online because they can’t see around the bend to where the money starts coming in. … Read more

Google AdSense Matched Content Review

It’s still early, but I’ve been checking out my AdSense performance reports for data regarding the new AdSense Matched Content offering that Google is rolling out. Here is my Google Matched Content review, so far. First off, if you are wondering what Matched Content Ads from AdSense are, you need to read that article first. … Read more