4 Profitable Ways to Write Clickbait (You’ll never believe #3)

Ah clickbait. Like copywriting before it, knowing and understanding why clickbait gets written and all the tricks it uses to get clicked makes the whole thing feel unintelligent. Be that as it may, numerous websites and authors owe their living to clickbait. I will not judge, but I will satirize 🙂 It is a common … Read more

Writing Calendars and When to Ignore Them

As a professional writer, one of the things that always strikes me as odd is when new, or aspiring, writers ask me how to come up with things to write about. I have notebooks full of article ideas that I’ll never be able to write in one lifetime. However, I understand how difficult it can … Read more

Earn Money Writing Online with Ads

It takes more than just fancy flying. Read to earn money by writing online? Selling advertising to monetize your published content online is one of many ways to make money by writing online. It is also one of the most popular thanks to being able to generate passive income for a long time without the … Read more

Passive Income Online Myth

Passive income is the Holy Grail of the lazy. The idea is certainly tantalizing. Earn money, without doing anything. However, passive income is pretty rare, and usually the result of circumstance. Passive Income vs Residual Income One of the problems with the idea of passive income is that it is misunderstood. Passive income is income … Read more

Death of the 300 Word Post

One of the dumbest things the SEO world ever spawned was the 300 word blog post or the 300 word article. Way back in the day, there was a sort of consensus among search engine researchers that followed Google and used their knowledge to instruct website owners in the practice of search engine optimization that … Read more

Real Secret to SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a big concern for many writers and website developers. The concept of SEO runs counter to pretty much everything a good writer learns. SEO suggests that a webpage can rank higher in search engine results pages, or SERPs, based on how well it conforms to certain search engine friendly … Read more

Yahoo Partners With Zillow For Real Estate Listings

Yahoo made news not too long ago when certain investors demanded that the company be sold (to Microsoft) and then again when Yahoo partnered with Microsoft’s search engine technology in order to get out of the business of being a search engine. While such news was apparently welcome to investors who had grown tired of … Read more

Google Certified Ad Networks Who Are They?

Google has allowed certain third-party advertising networks called, very benevolently, “Google Certified Ad Networks” to the Google AdSense program. The official party line is that these additional online advertising networks will provide publishers with higher income allowing them to earn more passive income online from the content they publish on websites. The skeptical party line … Read more

Start Up Writing Business Guide

Check out the recently published Writing Business Start-Up Guide.  The guide will grow and expand over time, but for now, includes all important information about getting a taxpayer ID number instead of using your Social Security Number on your W9 Forms. It also covers why almost all professional freelance writers should be incorporated as an … Read more