Google Wonder-Wheel Missing

What happened to WonderWheel on Google search? For those of you webmasters and bloggers who like using Google’s WonderWheel tool, there was an unexpected surprise that came with the new Google Instant search rollout. It seems that Google thinks that the functionality of Wonder Wheel is handled by the ever changing search results and suggestions … Read more

How Good Are Google Search Result Rankings?

Everywhere you turn people tell you the same thing about search engines; Google is the best search engine. Google is certainly the biggest search engine company. Depending upon whose numbers you want to believe, Google’s search market share is a whopping 71% or more. Google processes hundreds of millions of search queries every day and … Read more

Amazon Associates Cuts Off Colorado Affiliates Over New Sales Tax Law

A new Colorado law to force Amazon to collect sales taxes resulted in Amazon Associates being terminated in Colorado. The law was crafted to get around a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states that a retailer need collect state imposed taxes on sales only if the retailer has a significant enough physical presence in the … Read more

4 Ways To Make More Money Writing Online With Shorter Tighter Articles

One of the main issues many writers stumble upon when starting to make money online by writing is that the starter jobs almost always pay a low per article rate.  That isn’t necessarily a bad thing because you have to start somewhere.  However, if you don’t want to miss a mortgage payment, you’ll have to … Read more

Use Article Directories to Build Freelance Writing Portfolio

Article directories are those websites that allow you to post pretty much whatever you want, whenever you want, once you have signed up and had enough articles manually approved.  One such site is Associated Content and Ezine are two examples of such sites. Typically, these sites do not pay anything up front, although they may … Read more