Make Money Writing Resumes Online

help-wanted-adFrustrated by trying to break into the world of freelance writing?

Try writing resumes.

With the economy’s current troubles layoffs are hitting many people hard.  For some, their last job hunt was 5, 10, or even 20 years ago!

Dusting off the old resume and then trying to update it to include the most recent job and duties, as well as make it look and feel current by today’s standards can be a daunting task.  People will gladly pay a professional resume writer to take care of the whole thing.

How-To Start A Freelance Resume Writing Business

  1. Brush up on your resume writing skills.  Read some of the career resources out there, contact your alumni career center.
  2. Hunt For Freelance Gigs.  Guru, Elance, and other sites might be good for regular freelance writing gigs, but job seekers aren’t experienced in the freelance writing world.  They go to Craigslist and places like that.
  3. Start a Job Hunting Blog.  The easiest jobs you’ll ever get are the ones that come to you.  Write a job hunting blog filled with useful and relevant information and job hunters will find you before they even know they want a professional resume writer.

These quick and easy tips should be able to get you started.  Writing resumes may not be your end goal, but they can be a great way for a writer to make ends meet while building up that dream freelance writing practice you want.

Need to make a certificate? Here is how to make one with Microsoft Word certificate of appreciation templates.

Useful Resume Resources:

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