Easy Updates For Every Page In Your Website

new-content-graphic Keeping your content fresh is an important component of staying on top of everyone’s search engine results rankings, including Google.

But, sometimes, content just goes stale.  Maybe there is nothing more to write on the subject.  Maybe the problem that you found a solution to that nagging problem that you have been blogging about, but you still want to make sure that others can find those articles so that they can find the solution too.

And, let’s face it, sometimes, you are just too busy writing, designing, building, and fixing things to do the search engine spider’s bidding and get out an update your content just so you can keep that #1 search ranking.

The truth of the matter is that just because something was written a while ago doesn’t make it any less relevant, factual, or entertaining.  Sure, some things go cold like elections, tax season, Christmas, and all manner of other things with a built-in shelf life.  But, other things are still relevant.  Tips on touch-typing would be just as useful today as they were in 1999.  Likewise, tips on reading Latin, using a feather duster, building a birdhouse, and learning how to make origami penguins would all be unchanged despite the march of progress.

Unfortunately, the Google Spider doesn’t know any better.  To him, fresh is best, even if your timeless article is way better than the garbage ranked ahead of you.

Fortunately, there is a quick and easy way to update every page on your website in just seconds, if you build it properly.

Update Every Web Page With Little Effort

Whether you have a blog based website, or other website, chances are that it has some sort of sidebar, header, or footer that has at least one part that is consistent across the entire web site.  A quick change to that part ensures that every single webpage in your whole website changes enough to be considered “new” again.

The trick is to make a substantial enough change to be considered more than just a minor change without throwing off the look and navigation of your website.  That is why, you want to build in a section that you can change, complete with its own coding to ensure that the area is always the same size regardless of the content in it.

Again, the best areas for such a defined block are the header, sidebar, or footer.  Insert an introduction, a recent events section, or a blurb about the services or products you provide.  Then, once a month or so, make a single change to that section and watch all of your pages be shiny and new again, at least to the spiders.

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