Earn Money Writing Online with Ads

It takes more than just fancy flying. Read to earn money by writing online? Selling advertising to monetize your published content online is one of many ways to make money by writing online. It is also one of the most popular thanks to being able to generate passive income for a long time without the … Read more

Passive Income Online Myth

Passive income is the Holy Grail of the lazy. The idea is certainly tantalizing. Earn money, without doing anything. However, passive income is pretty rare, and usually the result of circumstance. Passive Income vs Residual Income One of the problems with the idea of passive income is that it is misunderstood. Passive income is income … Read more

Secret Formula For Google AdSense Money Making Websites

There is a lot of information out there about how to make money with Google AdSense. Most of it boils down to some version of: Research Keywords Write Keyword Optimized Posts or Pages Build Backlinks to Optimized Articles Move Up in Search Engine Rankings Profit If this sounds about right to you, I have some … Read more

Best WordPress Themes For Writers Feature List Continued

We’ve been looking at what kinds of features and functionality professional freelance writers should look for in a WordPress theme. At first, it can be hard to quantify exactly what a writer needs in a WordPress theme because they sort of all start to blend together and you forget what it was that compelled you … Read more

HubPages AdSense Revenue Increasing May Be Worthwhile Yet

As most of you know, I have from time to time thrown a bit of effort into a writers profile of sorts at HubPages as Hub Llama. For the most part, this experiment has served just three purposes. The first, is to determine what if any leverage can be achieved by using HubPages to build … Read more

Earn Money With HubPages Tips

Back when I first became a professional freelance writer, I spent a lot of time reading about how to make money online. I read pretty much every big make money online blogger out there and a lot of the smaller ones too. In fact, one of the reasons I started Make Money Writing Online was … Read more

Google Certified Ad Networks Who Are They?

Google has allowed certain third-party advertising networks called, very benevolently, “Google Certified Ad Networks” to the Google AdSense program. The official party line is that these additional online advertising networks will provide publishers with higher income allowing them to earn more passive income online from the content they publish on websites. The skeptical party line … Read more